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Dáin albumiin gávdnojit Gonagasbearraša lahtuid portreahtat. Govat leat ordnejuvvon albumiid mielde – okta album guđege olbmui.

Go deattát leaŋkkaid “Ovddit ja Boahtte” dás vuolábealde olgešravddas, de gávnnat guđet albumat leat gávdnanláhkái . Go deaddelat muhtun albuma, de gávnnat govaid dan sisdoalu mielde mii dás vuolábealde lea.


Kongehuset 2016

Official photographs of the members of the Royal House of Norway. Published in connection with the 25th anniversary of the ascension to the Norwegian throne of Their Majesties King Harald and Queen Sonja.