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Almmolaš sártnit

Dása leat čohkkejuvvon muhtun válljejuvvon sártnit maid leat doallan iešguđetlágán almmolaš dilálašvuođain. Das leat sártnit maid Gonagasbárra, Ruvdnaprinsabárra leat doallan, ja maiddái sártnit maid Prinseassa Märtha Louise ja Prinseassa Astrid leaba doallan oassin sudno almmolaš doaimmain. Ođđa sártnit almmuhuvvojit dađistaga. Dás gávdnojit maid muhtun moadde sártni maid Gonagas Olav V ja Gonagas Haakon VII leaba doallan. Eanet sártniid almmuhit dađiastaga. Muhtun historjjálaš sártnit gávdnojit maid jietnafiilan.

Sártnit almmuhuvvojit dan gillii go dat leat dollojuvvon, juogo dárogillii dahje eŋgelasgillii.

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Vuosttaš 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Maŋemus

Red Ribbon Award Ceremony: Key note speech

Speech given by Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mette-Marit on community level engagement of young people and next generation leadership at the Red Ribbon Award Ceremony in Washington D.C., 25 July 2012.
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Munch in London: Speech at Tate Modern

Speech given by Her Majesty Queen Sonja at a preview of the exhibition Edvard Munch – The Modern Eye at Tate Modern in London, 26 June 2012.
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Fylkestur til Vestfold: Tale på Nøtterøy

H.M. Dronningens tale på Nøtterøy under Kongeparets fylkestur til Vestfold 19. - 21. juni 2012.
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Fylkestur til Vestfold: Tale på Tjøme

H.M. Kongens tale på Tjøme under Kongeparets fylkestur til Vestfold 19. - 21. juni 2012.
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Fylkestur til Vestfold: Tale i Tønsberg

H.M. Kongens tale i Tønsberg under Kongeparets fylkestur til Vestfold 19. - 21. juni 2012.
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Fylkestur til Vestfold: Tale i Andebu

H.M. Kongens tale i Andebu under Kongeparets fylkestur til Vestfold 19. - 21. juni 2012.
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Fylkestur til Vestfold: Tale i Re

H.M. Dronningens tale i Re under Kongeparets fylkestur til Vestfold 19. - 21. juni 2012.
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Fylkestur til Vestfold: Tale i Sande

H.M. Kongens tale i Sande under Kongeparets fylkestur til Vestfold 19. - 21. juni 2012.
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Blanche Majors Forsoningspris: Takketale

H.K.H. Kronprinsens tale ved mottakelsen av Blanche Majors Forsoningspris, tildelt av Aktive Fredsreiser, Risør 13. juni 2012.
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Aksept 25 år: Gratulasjonstale

H.K.H. Kronprinsessens tale ved markeringen av Aksepts 25-årsjubileum, 12. juni 2012.
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Livredderne fra Utøya: Takketale

H.K.H. Kronprinsens tale til livredderne fra Utøya, Sundvollen hotell 2. juni 2012.
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Fylkestur til Møre og Romsdal: Tale i Rauma

H.K.H. Kronprinsessens tale i Rauma kommune under Kronprinsparets fylkestur i Møre og Romsdal, mai 2012
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Fylkestur til Møre og Romsdal: Tale i Molde

H.K.H. Kronprinsens tale i Molde under Kronprinsparets fylkestur i Møre og Romsdal, mai 2012.
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Fylkestur til Møre og Romsdal: Tale i Brattvåg

H.K.H. Kronprinsens tale i Brattvåg i Haram kommune under Kronprinsparets fylkestur i Møre og Romsdal, mai 2012.
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Fylkestur til Møre og Romsdal: Tale i Fosnavåg

H.K.H. Kronprinsessens tale i Fosnavåg i Herøy kommune under Kronprinsparets fylkestur til Møre og Romsdal, mai 2012.
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Fylkestur til Møre og Romsdal: Tale i Hareid

H.K.H. Kronprinsens tale i Hareid kommune under Kronprinsparets fylkestur til Møre og Romsdal, mai 2012.
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Fylkestur til Møre og Romsdal: Tale i Geiranger

H.K.H. Kronprinsens tale i Geiranger, Stranda kommune, under Kronprinsparets fylkestur til Møre og Romsdal, mai 2012.
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Sustainable Coastal Living: Opening speech

Speech given by His Royal Highness The Crown Prince at the opening of the business seminar: “Sustainable Coastal Living” in Seoul, 15 May 2012.
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Expo 2012: Norway Day opening speech

Speech given by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haakon at the opening of Norway Day at the International EXPO in Yeosu, 14 May 2012.
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Expo 2012: Speech during dinner

Speech given by His Royal Highness The Crown Prince at dinner on the occasion of Norway Day at EXPO 2012 in Yeosu, South Korea 14 May 2012.
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Expo 2012: Speech at KNECC meeting

Speech given by His Royal Highness The Crown Prince at the meeting of the Korean–Norwegian Economic Cooperation Committee (KNECC) 14 May 2012.
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State Visit to Poland: Speech at partnership conference

Speech given by His Majesty The King at the high-level plenary session of the Poland - Norway Partnership Conference, Warsaw 10 May 2012.
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Statsbesøk til Polen: Tale ved gallamiddagen

H.M. Kongens tale under gallamiddagen i anledning Kongeparets statsbesøk til Polen 9. - 11. mai 2012.
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A Mine-free Jordan

Speech given by His Royal Highness The Crown Prince at the celebration a mine-free Jordan, 24 April 2012.
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Stå vakt!

Innlegg av H.K.H. Kronprinsessen utgitt som forord til Fokus nr 1 2012: Kvinner sammen.
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Ups & Downs' utstilling: Åpningstale

Prinsesse Märtha Louises tale ved åpningen av utstillingen til Ups & Downs Bærum på den internasjonale Downs syndrom-dagen. Artista Gallerikafé i Sandvika 21. mars 2012.
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Special visit from the United Kingdom: Speech

Speech given by His Majesty The King during dinner at the Royal Palace on the occasion of the visit of Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall, 20 March 2012.
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Nordic Somali Youth Summit: Opening speech

Speech by His Royal Highness The Crown Prince at the opening of the Nordic Somali Youth Summit 2012 at Riksscenen / Popsenteret, Oslo, 19 March 2012.
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Jubileumsutstillingene: Kongeparets takketale

DD.MM. Kongen og Dronningens tale ved åpningen av jubileumsutstillingen "Kongelige reiser 1905 - 2005" på Kunstundistrimuseet i Oslo, 15. februar 2012.
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The Modern Eye: Opening remarks

Opening remarks by H.R.H. The Crown Princess at the opening of “The Modern Eye” at Schirn Kunsthalle in Frankfurt 8 February 2012.
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Bispevigsling i Borg: Kongens tale

H.M. Kongens tale i anledning vigslingen av Atle Sommerfeldt, ny biskop i Borg, 29. januar 2012.
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Et kunnskapsbasert Norge: Åpningstale

H.K.H. Kronprinsens tale ved åpningen av konferansen ”Et kunnskapsbasert Norge” ved Handelshøyskolen BI, 19. januar 2012.
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Nyttårstalen 2011

Hans Majestet Kongens nyttårstale 2011.
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Sydpolsjubileet: Hilsen i Tromsø

H.K.H. Kronprinsens tale ved den nasjonale jubileumsfesten for markeringen av 100-årsjubileet for Roald Amundsens ankomst til Sydpolen, Tromsø, 14. desember 2011.
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Blindeundervisningen 150 år: Tale

Prinsesse Märtha Louises tale ved 150-årsjubileet for blindeundervisningen i Norge. Huseby kompetansesenter 22. november 2011.
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The Norwegian Seamen's Church in Miami: Opening speech

Speech by Her Royal Highness The Crown Princess at the opening of “Sjømannskirken Kronprinsesse Mette-Marits kirke, Scandinavian Church and Centre” in Davie, Miami, 20 November 2011.
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Stortingsmiddagen 2011: Kongens tale

H.M. Kongens tale ved Stortingsmiddagen 27.10.2011.
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Veteranmonumentet i Andselv: Tale ved avdukningen

H.M. Kongens tale ved avdukningen av veteranmonumentet i Andselv, Bardufoss, 26. oktober 2011.
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Transatlantic Science Week: Opening speech

His Royal Highness The Crown Prince's speech at the opening of the Transatlantic Science Week, Berkeley 25th October 2011.
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Innovation House, Palo Alto: Speech

Speech delivered by His Royal Highness The Crown Prince at the reception following the opening of Innovation House, Palo Alto, 24 October 2011.
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USA: The Queen's speech at MoMA

Speech given by Her Majesty Queen Sonja at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New Yourk during an official visit to the United States 13 - 22 October 2011.
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USA: The King's speech at the NACC

Speech given by His Majesty King Harald at the Norwegian-American Chamber of Commerce (NACC) in New York during an official visit to the United States 13 - 22 October 2011.
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USA: The King's speech in Duluth

Speech given by His Majesty King Harald at Duluth Entertainment Convention Center, Minnesota, during an official visit to the United States 13 - 22 October 2011.
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USA: The King's speech at Enger Tower

Speech given by His Majesty King Harald at Enger Tower, Duluth, Minnesota during an official visit to the United States 13 - 22 October 2011.
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USA: The King's speech in Minneapolis

Speech given by His Majesty King Harald at the Grand Dinner at Hilton Minneapolis during an official visit to the United States 13 - 22 October 2011.
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USA: The King's speech at St. Olaf College

Speech given by His Majesty King Harald at St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota during an official visit to the United States 13 - 22 October 2011.
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TV-aksjonen Vi rydder for livet: Kronprinsens appell

H.K.H. Kronprinsens appell under TV-aksjonen til Norsk Folkehjelps arrangement på Sognsvann, 13. oktober 2011.
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USA: The King's speech at Luther College

Speech given by His Majesty King Harald at Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, during an official visit to the United States 13 - 22 October 2011.
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Fridtjof Nansen 150 år: Kongens tale

H.M. Kongens tale ved markeringen av 150-årsdagen for Fridtjof Nansens fødsel, 10. oktober 2011, Universitetplassen i Oslo.
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ISAM: Opening speech

Speech given by His Royal Highness The Crown Prince at the opening of the 13th annual meeting of the International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM), 7 September 2011.
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